Become a Partner

A strong network that will accompany you into the future.

The 3Achain Network partners, besides forming an important strategic alliance, constitute the backbone of the 3Achain network: by hosting and managing one of the validator nodes, they each become a component of the infrastructure.

Take full advantage of the network


Free and unlimited transactions

Partners are entitled to use 3Achain free of charge.


Participation in network activities

Technical decisions and governance processes are defined within the Network. A unique opportunity to become a blockchain expert.


Consulting support for project development

Events, workshops, training and networking opportunities. The right place to develop your business ideas.


Visibility and promotion

Participating in 3Achain means being in the limelight. Just what innovative companies need.


Node implementation support

No one is alone within the Network. Technical support helps to develop the necessary skills.

Become a partner

Technological requirements

Each partner must maintain a server in the cloud or at their data centre that hosts at least one validator node.

Node maintenance and updates are centrally coordinated by the Network, ensuring consistency of activities and platform stability.

Requisiti minimi / Minimum requirements
Public IPv4
128 GB of free disk space (SSD)
2 cores of CPU and 4GB of RAM
40Mb/s simmetric Internet connection.
Requisiti ideali / Ideal requirements
Public IPv4
500 GB of free disk space (SSD)
4 cores of CPU and 16GB RAM
80Mb/s simmetric Internet connection.

Organisational requirements

The entry of new partners is validated by the Network in a transparent manner and is highly structured.

Following the submission of the application, the verification procedure of organisational, operational and personal requirements is initiated. The documentation collected is evaluated by the Partner Network and, in the event of a positive outcome, the onboarding process is initiated.

Statuto societario


Rapporto revisione conto annuale


Libro azionisti / struttura azionariato / intermediate and ultimate beneficial owner


Estratto registro commercio


Dichiarazione (autocertificazione) di esser in regola con i contributi sociali, imposte e affini

Ogni Partner dovrà inoltre informare tempestivamente circa eventuali cambiamenti rispetto a quanto sopra esposto ed essere disponibile in ogni tempo a fornire la relativa documentazione.

Per ogni progetto/soluzione sviluppata sulla 3Achain sarà richiesto di presentare:

Descrizione del progetto che ne attesti la serietà

impegno a rispettare (autocertificazione) la legislazione nazionale e internazionale vigente


Thanks for filling out the form

Pricing guide:

Hai un'idea geniale ma, per ora, vuoi solo di sperimentare sulla blockchain?

Ti consigliamo il piano:

Free Trial

È il momento di lanciare la tua applicazione e vuoi ridurre al minimo i costi iniziali?

Ti consigliamo il piano:


La tua soluzione è già consolidata e vuoi semplicemente beneficiare dei vantaggi di 3Achain? Approfitta dei vantaggi del piano Starter e dopo 24 mesi scegli l'opzione che si adatta alle tue esigenze.

Pricing guide:

Do you have a great idea but, for now, just want to experiment on the blockchain?

We recommend the plan:

Free Trial

Is it time to launch your app and you want to minimize initial costs?

We recommend the plan:


Is your product already established and you simply want to benefit from the advantages of 3Achain? Take advantage of the benefits of the Starter plan and after 24 months choose the option that suits your needs.